Press Kit
- Title: Starfighter Renegade
- Developer: Michael Higgs (MadeOfDinosaurs)
- Genre: Third-person, sci-fi, aerial combat.
- Release date: Aiming for 25 Nov 2022
- Platforms: PC, Mac
- Website: www.madeofdinosaurs.com
- Email: mikey@madeofdinosaurs.com
- Twitter: http://twitter.com/madeofdinosaurs
- Steam Page: Here
- Announcement Trailer: YouTube / Original via Dropbox
Please do let me know if you need an asset in a format that isn’t here. More than happy to help.
Starfighter Renegade is a single player, 3rd person, arcade style aerial combat game played over multiple compact and varied alien worlds.
- Spread over 50 levels, you’ll encounter a wide range of Alien fighters to battle. While many will simply want to attack you, some will be focused on spreading a deadly virus and others on ‘collecting’ harmless civilians.
- Choose which weapons and gadgets best suit as you try to stop them.
- The amount of virus impacts your score multiplier. You decide how important this is to you. Maybe you can take out those high value targets and collect the friendlies before it becomes too widespread? Or would you rather dodge enemy lasers and stop it early?
- Each level takes ~3-5 minutes to play and they’re re-playable once unlocked. It’s intended to be enjoyed in bite-size chunks, easy to pick up and fit around whatever else you’re doing.
- You’ll discover a wide range of Alien craft to engage, each with their own distinct behaviours and objectives.
Background Info:
Hi, I’m Mikey. I’ve been in the games industry since 1997, and I currently work full time for a AAA game developer who very kindly gave me permission to pursue this personal project in my spare time.
I grew up playing games in the 80’s & 90’s (I went from an Acorn Electron to an Amiga 500), and there’s a lot of inspiration in this game taken from some of my favourites from back then. You’ll likely be able to spot elements of Defender, Virus/Zarch, Elite, Starglider 2 and a few others!
Everything in the game has been created by me, except for the font & music (both Creative Commons licensed & credited). Developing the game was a great way to stay occupied during the weekends and evenings of the pandemic. It’s taken around a year longer than I expected to go from a handful of playable levels to ‘done’, but I’m very pleased it’s finally made it.
Rescuing a friendly Buzzing an Alien Turret Taking on a swarm of Aliens Alien rain Missiles away Island approach